Monday, August 8, 2011


 I'm not talking about basketball-dunking, I'm talking about dipping your biscuit in your tea or milk until it gets so soaked, soft, spongy until... it f* breaks off, Grr!
Although dunking has been frowned upon in British High Society, there is nothing better than nibbling at soaked cookie's piece by piece. Oeehh, especially gingerbread mm...

Scientists have studied this phenomenon: it's about the porosity of the biscuit and the surface tension of the beverage, bla bla bla... Bottum line is: how can we avoid the breaking of the biscuit?

SO, the amazing Aussies came up with a brilliant idea >> I present the TimTam cookie!
Let the Lovely Natalia Imbruglia learn you to professionally 'TimTamSlam':

Buy your stock of biscuits online (they're not yet available here) @

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