Bangkok: I wouldn’t define it vibrant, rather just fast, busy, noisy and very hot. The heat is really overwhelming: we are sweaty all the time, nothing to do about it. Our skin is sticky of the constant sweat, mosquito repellant and the dust of the city. Bangkok itself is really impressive. I didn’t expected it to be so green… trees and plant are growing where ever they can find a spot of sunlight and no road is built. Qing Bhumibol is frequently represented with pictures and in very little, but nicely ornamented chapels. It’s nice to see that the Thai love their county and king. We just saw a very small bit of the city and are still adjusting to the different culture. The Thai are friendly and very industrious. It’s nice to see how this –for us- chaotic city “works”: how all this people do their thing, work, cook, chat,... but all blend in together and keep the city going. It seems to disorganized –but isn’t at all-, what sometimes feels weird because we are used to structure.
Yesterday we visited some temples, which are amaaazingly decorated!!!! All these lovely colors, golden Bhudda’s and an excess of luxury. You would have to see it to believe it. In the afternoon we took the tuktuk’s –which are so fun, but have so dangerous drivers- to the train station. We took the overnight train to Chiang Mai, where we arrived this morning.
We just finished a -5h!!- during Thai cooking lesson, which was really fun. We made our on spring rolls, banana fried in a coconut mix, coconut curry soup,… Very good!!!!! Quit spicy and a lot of ‘strange’ tastes because of the ginger, coriander, coconut,… We ate so much we weren’t even able to finish it all!
Tomorrow we are leaving for a tree days during hike in the jungle, as the local people would say: Oh My Bhudda, hope that turns out ok! After that we will be rewarded for our ‘enormous persistence and strength’ by a Thai massage, woopwoop!
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