Tuesday, August 30, 2011

To name or not to name

I wonder what the value of a name is. Behind most names are stories, backgrounds, character traits, heroes,… But a name itself has no meaning about the res. A name is an emballage for characteristics, of concepts, for defining everything: making it what it is. A name doesn’t tell me weather someone is  kind, ugly, smart or vibrant (this explains the success of dating sites). It’s more like an etiquette, a mark, a stamp. So names are meaningless? Guess not: can’t figure out how we would communicate unambiguously about something or someone. Reminding me of the funny game ‘zeg eens euh!’.
So I started wondering about names.  Because sometimes we meet people, have a nice chat and it feels like we understand them. We get to know someone very well in a short time. But then afterwards realizing: I don’t know his/her last name? Does this mean that I don’t know this person? Is knowing ones name important for knowing one at all? What’s the value of a name, except for the fact that the person is the name?
The same thing is true with a brands name. Take Chanel as an example. When one says he likes Chanel. Does he likes the fame and grace associated with the brand? Does he like the name for its value, for the impression people get from hearing this name? Or does he likes Chanel for it’s luxurious, classy, simple haute couture in all its facet’s, for the purpose of the name? Nowadays lots of people use brands to express their social status and not for the content of the brands name… Is that abusing a name? Is he abusing Chanel? Hope Coco is strong enough to keep her legs closed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Couples

Sometimes two various objects cross my mind together and I think of their combination. While doing the thinking, an exhausting and sometimes rewarding task, I make myself an opinion of them, the couple. I search for their link , why are they connected in my mind? I guess it’s even funny thinking about ‘couples’ since they’re not provoking any interest in each other. Try to follow my reasoning and call me crazy just afterwards:
It seems stupid, at first, why I like glass work & bird cages together.  I see them fit wonderfully together in a backyard which is grown over with plants and flowers  -In my head I’m walking through the Secret Garden created in the novel by Frances Burnett-.  Between all that beautiful nature there is a big, old wooden table. The table is set with white porcelain, small candles and wine glasses in green, blue, pink. Trees are overlooking the romantic garden. In their branches are hanging small, fine, empty (of course... We don’t want any poopoo spread out over the scene) birdcages.
Now think of the details of the colorful glasses and the wooden birdcages. Don’t they just make the setting? MAYBE it’s a bit farfetched, but hey, everybody has his/hers defaults and ain’t nobody gonna hate me for having too much details in my head, right?
So to state my two-non-related-objects-couple theory, here’s another one: boys and girls. But I guess you won’t need my explanation for that combination. Nature made those two match perfectly, physically anyway.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Searching for Summer

Hello Summer. I haven't seen you around lately, are you on vacation? Cruel of you not sending me a postcard...
My summer drive is declining every day a little more. Where we should be sipping rosé, listing to Santana and strolling with our slippers through the hot sand at the beach,  we get nothing more than gray, sad weather. If that wasn't enough we got thunder, lightning and extreme winds on top. It even got so far are festivals were ruined. You still having fun on vacation Sun, now that people died? It's time to point your sunbeams at us again.
Maybe I should twitter Helios, asking for a little drop of sunshine?

Nothing getting me in the summer vibe, but this hot salsa song by Sara Tavares.

Sara Tavares - One Love

Monday, August 15, 2011

When Scotch met Soda

Boy-o-Boy, I learned why we (the world) love Amsterdam.
Next to the friendly people, the nice bars/restaurants, the on-every-corner-hostel and the famous smoke of the coffee shops in the streets, the Sparkling City has yet another trump: Maison Scotch.

Scotch & Soda (the man's collection) was already founded in the 80's and originates from Amsterdam. But it took until 2010 for the company to design woman's clothing under the label Maison Scotch. And boy they did a good job!
Although this Amsterdam Couture might be a bit classic, classic never gets out of style right?
The prices are very OK, you pay for what you get: pretty, high quality and lovely detailed clothing. BTW: it's soo much better than AmericaToday or Abercrombie&Fitch (Hello? Can you make anything else then hoodies ?? It's time to be creative 'again'... The whole world has already been in one of your dark-brown-I-can't-breathe shops where the perfume smell is far worse than the fuzzy crowd, and I'm not coming back for that experience. But OK, my annoyance for those all to similar shops is endless).
So, I was saying: better than *those shops*? Yes: way better!
Did I mentioned this? When you buy a sweater you get a super cute little necklace for FREE?

Take a peek yourself at their website & Fall In Love >> http://www.scotch-soda.com/en/

BTW: I'm totally in to this edgy, lumberjack + gray-knitted-bonnet thing for Fall 2011.
Nylon Fasion Parka - €229,95
Checkered Granddad Tunic - €85.95

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Today I had a meeting for my trip to Thailand in 3 weeks. We got this T-shirt (in lovely electric blue) with a note on it:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did so throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. 

This really is what it's all about actually. Although I'm afraid of leaving my safe harbor I'm really in to this upcoming event. Maybe it seems not important to lots of people but I want to explore, dream and discover. Feeling different cultures, seeing nature as it should and hear the world around me.
The world is really bigger than my everyday interests. So I'm facing my fear, getting on that plane the first September and live a little.

Puh-Lease, hear the song, lay back and smile friendly to the next person you see. We all like a friendly face instead of a gray-clouded grumpy person.

Oh, one more thing >> do something you haven't done before: book a trip to ... Thailand?!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pit Who? Bull Where?

The whole world dances to ‘his’ music, his entry wasn’t what we call smooth and today every famous artist wants to collaborate with him. You know who I’m talking about. Yes, Armando. Armando Pérez. Who? >> Pitbull himself. The man behind ‘I know you want me’, ‘Dj got us falling in love tonight’ with Usher, ‘On the floor’ with J.Lo, ‘Give me everything’ with Ne-Yo, and so on.
But who is this man who knows to catch my ear, makes me tiptoe to the beat and makes club classics one after the other?
True, his flashy, funky beats make me move too. But how is it that this -former- relatively simple man is able to make the world dance? It’s not his looks, let us be honest: it is polite to say that he made a good choice always wearing his shades: no Pitbull, I don’t want you....
 Nor is it that he was born with the connections: Armando’s parents are Cuban immigrants, separated when he was young, he then got kicked out of his mother’s house at 16 and became a drug dealer… Maybe  it was just luck? Fact is that he has the talent to create infectious beats. I still have my doubts about the depth of this kind of music, guess that is a useless question.

To sum it up: Pit, I’ll never drink enough for you to take me home tonight, but I will dance with a lot of appreciation to your (let’s be honest) lousy-but-catchy tunes ànd, I will never ever look at your lyrics again, promise to my life baby.
Keep up them shades Pit


 I'm not talking about basketball-dunking, I'm talking about dipping your biscuit in your tea or milk until it gets so soaked, soft, spongy until... it f* breaks off, Grr!
Although dunking has been frowned upon in British High Society, there is nothing better than nibbling at soaked cookie's piece by piece. Oeehh, especially gingerbread mm...

Scientists have studied this phenomenon: it's about the porosity of the biscuit and the surface tension of the beverage, bla bla bla... Bottum line is: how can we avoid the breaking of the biscuit?

SO, the amazing Aussies came up with a brilliant idea >> I present the TimTam cookie!
Let the Lovely Natalia Imbruglia learn you to professionally 'TimTamSlam':

Buy your stock of biscuits online (they're not yet available here) @ http://www.timtamslam.nl/

Sunday, August 7, 2011

kate spade


Pa pa pa pa paaa i'm loving ... this video!
Check kate spade for the clothing/accessories/bags/... <3
Music&Muse in the movie by SoKo, a french chanteuse (you'll might know here from the song i'll kill here, if not, you have to hear it!)

Lovin' the style, and colours used + the music (and lyrics) = *PieceOfArtMovie*


Last week I was in Rotterdam, where I discoverd this lovely shop called 'Vanilia'.
Besides the pretty clothes the interiour of the shop reaaaally amazing!!
For now these are only in The Netherlands, snif snif... SO >> Reason enough to go over there!
Check out their website @ http://www.vanilia.com/
My Favo at the moment: Mila Kunis PolkaDots Evening Version:
Mila's version:
Vanilia's evening version:
Dress "Radanyl" @ Vanilia's (€89,95)
(I would where Nude Pumps and no stockings)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Serious Silvio?


Can you believe this??  S. Berlusconi must be crazy >> New nickname "Scandalous Silvio"
(Not shocked enough: watch the other movie called 'Berlusconi bunga bunga')


Hi there!!
In September two friends (Emilie and Nina) and me will be hiking 24 days (!!) in Thailand.
I will blog when possible so you can follow us around. Here's a map of the trip we'll be doing.

Day 1 – 4 Bangkok en Ayutthaya
Day 5 – 12 Chiang Mai
Day 13 – 15 De palmstranden van Krabi
Day 16 – 18 Khao Sok National Park
Day 19 – 24 Koh Phangan

leather loves lace

Leather, one of the rawest materials in fabric. So natural, protective, strong and beautiful.
Lace, so soft, delicate, fragile, pretty, reminds me of Grace Kelly's wedding gown (and now Kate's).

When these materials meet, it's just yin&yang, black&white, Beauty&The Beast,... And everyone knows that those have a perfect marriage.

So HUPHUP everybody, move those bodies to the store or simply buy these online.
My favo's:

Collective Concepts- Lace Tank Black
@ Piperlime

TopShop - Faux Leather Bomber Jacket
@ Topshop


>> Loving the song AND the moves in the movie video.
Because there is a fine line between vulgar and, trashy-but-still-sexy (>not talking about the hideous man). Although the legs are stretched out with computer, she still makes some highly 'intresting' moves!
Let us not talk about the end.

Plants like Viagra???

Here's a new one: plants like Viagra!!
Viagra, the little blue pill that is more famous than Donald Duck has found a new aim. It can erect our penis um, sorry plants! Some scientists saw that the active component (nitric oxide) keeps the plants longer colourful en fresh.
So next time you give your lovely flowers fresh water, don't forget to add a pinch of the blue miracle powder!

first blog

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