I wonder what the value of a name is. Behind most names are stories, backgrounds, character traits, heroes,… But a name itself has no meaning about the res. A name is an emballage for characteristics, of concepts, for defining everything: making it what it is. A name doesn’t tell me weather someone is kind, ugly, smart or vibrant (this explains the success of dating sites). It’s more like an etiquette, a mark, a stamp. So names are meaningless? Guess not: can’t figure out how we would communicate unambiguously about something or someone. Reminding me of the funny game ‘zeg eens euh!’.
So I started wondering about names. Because sometimes we meet people, have a nice chat and it feels like we understand them. We get to know someone very well in a short time. But then afterwards realizing: I don’t know his/her last name? Does this mean that I don’t know this person? Is knowing ones name important for knowing one at all? What’s the value of a name, except for the fact that the person is the name?
The same thing is true with a brands name. Take Chanel as an example. When one says he likes Chanel. Does he likes the fame and grace associated with the brand? Does he like the name for its value, for the impression people get from hearing this name? Or does he likes Chanel for it’s luxurious, classy, simple haute couture in all its facet’s, for the purpose of the name? Nowadays lots of people use brands to express their social status and not for the content of the brands name… Is that abusing a name? Is he abusing Chanel? Hope Coco is strong enough to keep her legs closed.